June 10, 2009
JD's birthday is today! Of course I can't believe he's one year old already! None of us can!! This picture was when I was 3 months pregnant with our second strapping boy:
It seems like so long ago now that my hands looked like this!
And my feet lookin like this!
That's not even nearly as bad as they were swelled up when I was pregnant with Wy either.
I'm sorry if this makes some of you cringe...it does me too.
JD still has these long legs!
It's amazing how fast they grow in a year!!
This is Wyatt at 20 months holdin JD who's only a couple weeks old:
Jd at 4 1/2 weeks old:
Jd at 2 1/2 months old:
This was taken before the first taste of sweet taters at about 5 1/2 months:
After the sweet taters:
Outside at about 7 1/2 months:
At 8 months:
And now today he's ONE!!
We had good burgers and brats:
Here's the cake which is nothin spectacular. I actually made a boxed cake! That's how lazy I've been since comin back from the trip!
When the theme is farm you have to have a Farmall. Nothin doin. And a Ford. I'm a Ford girl, sorry!
Help yourself there Wyatt! He kept tellin us it was his birthday too. Last night when we put him to bed he thanked us for his birthday party!
This kid has a serious addiction to dirt and anything that pertains to dirt. I CAN NOT keep this kid clean whatsoever at all. But it's okay. I'd much rather have him havin fun in the dirt than not wantin to get down and play and get dirty. I'll take the way he is any 'ole day!
By 8:15 Jd was gettin real tired. He got a wash with the hose first then a spit bath and he was out like a light in no time at all.
Wyatt kept busy by washing his car:
6 days ago