Buster is obsessed with firecrackers. No words describe how crazy he gets when firecrackers are bein set off. Have you ever known a lab who doesn't have the most dogged (excuse the pun) concentration? It doesn't matter if a nuclear bomb goes off by the lab. HE. WILL. NOT. MOVE. Ever take one duck huntin? Nothin, and absolutely NOTHIN is gonna take him off that bird! No matter what kind, how loud, how big or small these firecrackers are, he will not let up in his obsession.
Tonight, to get an early start on the holiday, E and Uncle Mike set up the PVC pipe and lit off some bottle rockets. Buster was solid as a stone statue as they got the pipe in the ground and unrolled the rockets. He never moved a muscle until they lit the first fuse. Then he hops all around and dives at the rocket before it takes off.
Here, the pipe has just gone in. The firecrackers aren't even out of the garage yet:
He's just waitin. He knows they're comin.
Ha! There they are! He thought dad was holdin out on him!
Wait! It's not lit yet!
It is now! There it goes...right by his face. We have yet to take him to the emergency vet for eyeballs blown out of his skull.
Ready for another one?
Here goes!
I'm sorry. Once again, there is no light for the video but per the audible exclamations and verbage you can tell that something went wrong. Buster's paw hit the base of the pipe as he was dancin around after it was lit, but before it went off. We didn't have time to correct it but Buster did. With his face. It hit his face, he shook his head to clear it and the bottle rocket landed about 10 feet in front of us, behind Buster and went off.
There was only one more after that and Buster kept starin at the pipe, ears up, tuning everything else out. We took out the pipe and he looked at us like he was sayin, "What? That's all?"
This next shot was taken 45 minutes after the last bottle rocket had been fired off. Buster is not givin up. E and Uncle Mike put the pipe back in the ground and Buster wouldn't take his eyes off of it.
I found this funky lookin bug on our front door.
Never seen one quite like this. I thought it was a june bug but then I saw it had some extra plumage on its antennae.
The clouds early this morning were something to behold. The first two shots I took on my foliage setting. The last two shots were taken with the portrait setting.
Oddly enough, the foliage setting didn't catch the rain drops. The portrait setting shots did, however.
6 days ago