This is LONG overdue but I though I'd share about my weekend of fishin, just me, my aunt and my dog.
We had some good fishin. Each night we fished from 10 p.m.-2:30 a.m. We had a lot of laughs, drank a lot of coffee, and probably made a bunch of people in the area wish we weren't there! We were both sick with allergies/sinus infections so every time we laughed it ended in long loud hacking coughs. There was nothin healthy about it at all!
Prix loves fishin. She'll watch the poles and as soon as they dip, she's up and prancin around, sloshin in the water, followin the line down into the water to catch the fish. I let her have one to eat the second night we were there. Fish bones crunch real easy in a chow's chomp!
My aunt and I got to grill some food that would never have worked had our guys been there with us. We roasted fresh coconut:
And grilled chicken and pineapple chunks on skewers:
Each night we were serenaded by a couple packs of coyotes.
6 days ago