Date: Apr 1, 2008
I’m posting this entry to boost confidence in myself that I (I can’t even remember now)....something about assurance that I am a mother/wife that can balance the jobs that need to be done and know when they don’t absolutely need to be done. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone but me, or you other mom’s out there.
Okay, here’s a list of what I’ve been able to do so far from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. today:
7 a.m. - 8:05 a.m.
-straighten up house (put up shirts, jackets, shoes, cups, clean table and counter tops)
-two loads of laundry
-clean in/outside of toilets, sinks and counter tops
-take car seat downstairs
-put away size 4 diapers and the scented wipes that really irritate Wyatt’s skin and label them
-hang pictures that have been on the kitchen counter driving me crazy for about 4 weeks
-hot glue mirror onto holder/stand (been broke for probably a month or more)
-swept off front porch and sidewalk to limit the amount of buds coming inside on boots and shoes which in turn limits the amount of bending over a pregnant body has to do in order for the 17 mo. old not to fill his fiber quota for the year
At 8:05 Harper came and Wyatt woke up at 8:25. From 8-11 this is what was done:
-Fed Wyatt breakfast
-Entertained baby in swing while getting milk warmed and cleaning up Wyatt
-collected hangers from upstairs for laundry room
-fed baby 5.5 oz bottle which took 30 minutes b/c of baby’s impatience, acid reflux, hating the fact that I have to stop feeding her to burp her, and she was very very tired. She cries very loudly in your ear as you burp her half-way thru the bottle and when she’s done
-while feeding bottle to baby, Buster is breathing down my back because he all of a sudden, instantaneous and mysteriously has to go outside!!!!!
-after bottle feeding, put baby down for nap and soaked up water that Wyatt spilled from cup he found on end table
-more laundry
-swept bathrooms floors, (not bothering to pick up pair of underwear and dog leash)
-vacuumed downstairs and both sets of stairs
-swiffer-vac’d hardwood and tile floors (not bothering to bend over and pick up toys, hi-chair, baby chair, shoes, and hair brushes)
-read books to Wyatt (oh, and changed his diaper that had diarrhea in it)
-wrestled (as much as I’m physically able) with Wyatt
-put Wyatt down for nap
Now for the things I still want/need to do:
-plant seedlings in a big flower pot so I can still cover all of them in one sheet instead of 9 flower beds and 9 sheets in case we get more freezes
-take all trash out since it is picked up tomorrow
-vacuum top floor
-wash/dry 2 more loads of laundry and fold all 5 that will have piled up on the couch throughout the course of the day
-figure out supper plans
-iron E’s new shirt b/c I’m sure he’d like to wear it sometime in the near future
-figure out what I’m going to feed myself and Wyatt for lunch
-give him another chance at using a fork or spoon and get ready for the clean-up
Here’s what he looked like last time about a week ago:
-I’d like to make some more banana bread too b/c Wyatt and E like it
Don’t even think about taking this away!
The whole time I’m typing this I’m on edge b/c the baby should be waking up soon and I want to get this typed! Also, it is almost noon and I really need to steam some vegetables and something for Wyatt and get some meat out. I think he’s probably had enough of bologna and smoked turkey in the past week!
A week and a half ago I took him to see the dr. because he has some very ugly dry and itchy skin on his legs and butt. He has scratched his butt so much that he has cuts that have bled. It looks like his butt was a sharpening pad for a cougar’s claws! I fight the tears every time I put cream on it, which is about 4-6 times a day. Anyway, back from the dr. I stopped and got him an apple juice slush. The jaws of life couldn’t have pried it out of his hands!!
I wanted to tease him but thought better of it with this look he gave me! But I had to laugh!!
He’s really been getting into playing games and finding humor in teasing us lately. We were getting ready for the day and he knew we were leaving and asked for his hat. He didn’t take it off for hours! While I was getting ready he pulled highly adored pillows out of our room and into the hallway and then played peek-a-boo with me. It’s so cute b/c he really thinks (like all babies/toddlers) that you can NOT see them!
It’s all these fun, interactive and silly times with him that help me get through his current stage of whiny-ness. I know it will pass but I would be lying if I didn’t say it gets to me sometimes. I think it’s God’s way of getting parents through the nail-biting, fingernails-raking-a-chalkboard times when all you want to do is scream into a pillow and finish it off with long hard sobs! He knew. It’s a good time to learn to deal with constant tugging, whining, and crying. The whole count-to-ten and breath in my nose and out my mouth thing has really taken on a new level of respect with me! I still have a lot to go through and a lot to learn in terms of dealing with the demands of a 24/7 stay-at-home mom role. I wouldn’t want it any other way and have never wished it to be. The joys and rewards FAR outweigh the rough patches. Plus, it makes you a better person in many many different aspects of life.
The baby is waking up. Feel free to comment anyone. That’s another way of learning.
6 days ago
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