I swear, I turn my back for one second and this happens!!
Oh, yeah, that happened too, but I meant this....
He knew he was caught so he tried to get all the stuff he could before I got to him. Sneaky and smart. I wonder where he gets that? Obviously the sneaky part was learned from the perpetrator of the first photo!
Well, whaddya know? We're getting hail from one huge lone gray cloud! At least it's not big hail accompanied by hurricane force winds and no electricity like those down in Oklahoma this past week! Or Arkansas, or Texas.....
It ain't nothin'. No bigger than a pea.
Wyatt has also learned how to operate the water dispenser! He learned that at Grandma and pa Laver's two weekends ago and had to bring grandma and mommy water while we were talking last weekend.
Notice, we each had our own cup too! Grandma said he saw grandpa get ice and water one time and that was it! He pumped their well dry! Wyatt also learned where a very very well hidden stash of candy was at grandma's! If it was at mom and dad's house even the Feds wouldn't have located it! Ask dad! He can't even find momma's stash, or was it stashes? I can't remember right now. Obviously gr'ma and pa don't worry about getting raided because they need help hiding things!! I have a reason to worry about my stash being raided so hidden it will stay!
Grandma reported his eyes went big and round and he let out a slow 'oooooooohhhh'. This last weekend he remembered where it was and came around the corner with a pack of candy in his hand. He looked at me, then at grandma, then back at me and I saw fear in his eyes! He high-tailed to grandma and just before he got there he tripped and fell, landing at her feet, arm outstretched handing the candy to grandma yelling, 'NOOOOOO, momma!!! Grandma, take it, hurry!!!' Well, just kidding on the last part. He did however look at both of us and decided to make a bolt to grandma knowing he had better odds at eating the whole pack with her! And he did! And he went and got another pack too. Sneaky little devil!
Speakin of devil. E came home to get some stuff from OUR garage going above and beyond for the owners and medical staff who are making his and the guys' (and their wives/families) life hell! As you can tell, it's getting to me. This certain group of people act as if they've hired a pool boy and his crew to do petty maintenance stuff and work around THEM all day! It's not their frickin' job! Never mind they have families that might want to see them. Never mind that they're so worn out and frustrated with whiny complaints that it's hard for them to communicate when they get home.
I digress....back to the devil....he came home to get the supplies he needed and when he left he made a mistake. He kissed me. But.....he kissed me smelling of sawdust. Not a smart move if he thinks he can come home and relax and ignore me. It might be very strange to y'all but sawdust does something to me. I want to find a cologne for him to wear that smells like sawdust. Who's the perp now? I confess. I think he knew what he did though, because when I told him he smelled good, he gave me a devilish grin.
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