I don't know if she's THE one, but she's at least one down. I was going thru the backyard just 15 min. ago and saw the bag to the lawn mower beside the gate. It had a pool of water in it so I decided to flip it over. Uh! I've got the heebie geebies, or the creepy crawlies, or whatever you want to call it now. There she was. Long spindly legs. Shiny black bulging body. Bright red hourglass. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I just had to get that out. Sorry. After I sprayed her I ran in to get a glass jar. And yes, I used a stick to get her into it. But then I had to open the jar to get some good pics otherwise they would be really really blurry thru the glass. Just as I got the last picture she started to get a second wind on her last life and she...she...uhm...started squiggling around. Lucky for me the glass must be hard to climb up because I got the lid .. she got off her back and onto her legs. She's paying for that one! I closed the lid TIGHT!! Just look at her!
She's...she's...uh...anyone else feel like something's crawling on them? I wanted to make sure I got her red hourglass lest anyone think I was lying about what a monumentous and grand day this is.
One more, just for the heck of it......
Okay, I'm D-O-N-E!!!!
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