Today was a beautiful day! I slept approximately one hour from 2:30 a.m. until 5:30 this morning because Wyatt was crying, and crying, and crying, and can I say crying one more time? Sparing the details, nothing I did satisfied him. I was really glad for the coffee and quiet time at 6:30 after I gave him a cup of milk and shut the door on him for the last time telling him I really needed some alone time before the 3 kids came that I watched today. I am really glad we had such a nice day-and for the coffee and quiet which I think kept all the kids from possibly witnessing a brutal scene which would have ended in their Aunt Janae being cuffed, never to be seen or possibly heard from again. That wouldn’t be good on my resume especially in my choice of work to make a little supplemental income.
Because it was so nice, I opened up the back sliding glass door and locked the gate to the deck so the kids could still be within a safe and audible distance if I was inside, get some fresh air, and play with the toys. I put Cayden in the swing just inside the door and he fell asleep to all the comings and goings of 3 kids, 2 dogs, me, the radio, and the jealous protesting and loud whining that Wyatt did because he was so blasted tired. I made everyone lunch. Now, because it was so nice, we decided to eat out on the deck. Addyson and I liked the idea and when the boys saw the hi-chairs coming out the door, they were pretty excited too, although I’m sure it had everything to do with the prospect of food. To be safe, I strapped the chairs to the deck. It was a good thing I did because apparently Easton doesn’t like the idea of even one morsel of food escaping his grasp! He rocked the chair back and forth to be able to reach a piece of dropped food. Hey! What kind of aunt would I be to take away the food that he so wittingly sought to retrieve by his own means? Anyway, the boys were in the chairs before I had the food outside!
In the upcoming picture: I assure you NO harm was done to any baby. I did not strap them to the deck, just the chairs to the deck mind you!
And they look so happy too! Well, Easton does. Wyatt was just sour all day. And I did my best to refrain from all appearance of evil conerning him. Hmmmmm......I wonder why he has been sleeping so long this afternoon? Oh, it’s only that he was real tired. You have to believe me. It’s the truth! I’m digressing.
And now, I'm confessing. This is the REAL reason we all ate outside.
And this.....
And this.....
I thought it was a genius idea! To save time on cleaning the table, bench, possibly the floor and to not have to swiffer vac again today (well, for two hours maybe)? And no struggling with the kids to wash their hands? They just played in the dog’s water dish! They had NO idea I that all the time they were being cleaned!!!
But I don’t know, that may be just me. Backwards from the backwoods. At least I have a blog and post in it every once in a while! That oughta show you!
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